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Active as of Fall Semester 2014

I. General Information

1. Course Title:
Global Studies Experience - International Travel Experience

2. Course Prefix & Number:
GLST 1491

3. Course Credits and Contact Hours:

Credits - Variable: 1-4

4. Course Description:

Students in this course will participate in a travel-study trip. Topics of study may include art, culture, natural history, geoscience, and geography of the country being visited. Classroom time prior to trip will involve basic lessons and preparation for travel. Post-trip classroom meetings will emphasize reflection of travel experience and learning.

5. Placement Tests Required:

Accuplacer (specify test): Reading Score: 56

6. Prerequisite Courses:

GLST 1491 - Global Studies Experience - International Travel Experience

There are no prerequisites for this course.

9. Co-requisite Courses:

GLST 1491 - Global Studies Experience - International Travel Experience

There are no corequisites for this course.