I. General Information
1. Course Title:
Integrated Pest Management
2. Course Prefix & Number:
HORT 2116
3. Course Credits and Contact Hours:
Credits: 4
Lecture Hours: 2
Lab Hours: 4
4. Course Description:
This course is a study of insects and diseases that have an important economic impact in the fields of horticulture, floriculture, and forestry. It provides an introduction to the theory and practice of solving problems that affect many different types of crops. Management methods include detection, scouting procedures, economic thresholds, and cultural and biological control. Emphasis is also placed on assessing insects and diseases that are common to our crops, backyards, and greenhouses.
5. Placement Tests Required:
6. Prerequisite Courses:
HORT 2116 - Integrated Pest Management
There are no prerequisites for this course.
9. Co-requisite Courses:
HORT 2116 - Integrated Pest Management
There are no corequisites for this course.
III. Course Purpose
Program-Applicable Courses – This course is required for the following program(s):
Name of Program(s)
Program Type
IV. Learning Outcomes
1. College-Wide Outcomes
College-Wide Outcomes/Competencies |
Students will be able to: |
Demonstrate written communication skills |
Students will create portfolios with both insects and diseases found in our crops, back yards, and greenhouses |
Assess alternative solutions to a problem |
Students will create crop summary sheets to analyze potential and present pest problems in their pest management units |
2. Course Specific Outcomes - Students will be able to achieve the following measurable goals upon completion of
the course:
Expected Outcome |
MnTC Goal Area |
Students will be able to analyze fungi structures |
Students will be able to diagram insect anatomy & metamorphosis |
Students will be able to argue benefits of environmental manipulation as means of pest control |
Students will be able to analyze pesticide labels and the environmental concerns with their use |
Students will be able to create crop summary sheets, pest portfolios, and an insect collection |
Students will take the Tree Inspector Exam |
V. Topical Outline
Listed below are major areas of content typically covered in this course.
1. Lecture Sessions
1. Diseases
- The Disease Triangle
- Host
- Pathogen
- Environmental conditions
- Fungi
- growth
- reproduction
- breaking the triangle
- characteristics of infection
- Bacteria
- growth
- reproduction
- breaking the triangle
- characteristics of infection
- Viruses
- growth
- reproduction
- breaking the triangle
- characteristics of infection
- Nematodes
- growth
- reproduction
- breaking the triangle
- characteristics of infection
- Phytoplasma like organisms (MLOs)
- growth
- reproduction
- breaking the triangle
- characteristics of infection
2. Insects
- Classification to Order (characteristics at each level)
- Animal kingdom
- Arthropod phylum
- Insecta/hexepoda class
- Insect characteristics
- # of body parts
- # of legs, antennae, wings
- Mouth parts
- Metamorphosis
- Complete
- Incomplete
- Gradual
3. Environmental Concerns
- Freezing to over heating
- Humidity levels
- Soil/media moisture levels
- Natural and artificial light levels
- IV. Non Chemical Control
- Environmental manipulation
- Changing watering schedules
- Raising/lowering humidity level
- Altering harvest or planting times
- Altering light levels
- Traps
- Beneficial insects and diseases
- Soil sterilization
5. Chemical Control
- Environmental concerns
- Efficacy
- Scheduling
- Killing Action
6. Pesticide Labels
- Requirements by law
- Formulations
- Technical grades
- Safety
2. Laboratory/Studio Sessions
- Draw, dissect, and analyze fungi and their growth habit
- Draw, dissect and analyze a grasshopper
- Classify insects and insect like creatures into the proper Order of the scientific classification system
- Examine insect pests likely found in our backyards, greenhouses and crops
- Examine disease pests likely found in our backyards, greenhouses and crops
- Examine environmental pests likely to compromise plants in our backyards, greenhouses and crops
I. General Information
1. Course Title:
Integrated Pest Management
2. Course Prefix & Number:
HORT 2116
3. Course Credits and Contact Hours:
Credits: 4
Lecture Hours: 2
Lab Hours: 4
4. Course Description:
This course is a study of insects and diseases that have an important economic impact in the fields of horticulture, floriculture, and forestry. It provides an introduction to the theory and practice of solving problems that affect many different types of crops. Management methods include detection, scouting procedures, economic thresholds, and cultural and biological control. Emphasis is also placed on assessing insects and diseases that are common to our crops, backyards, and greenhouses.
5. Placement Tests Required:
6. Prerequisite Courses:
HORT 2116 - Integrated Pest Management
There are no prerequisites for this course.
9. Co-requisite Courses:
HORT 2116 - Integrated Pest Management
There are no corequisites for this course.
II. Transfer and Articulation
III. Course Purpose
1. Program-Applicable Courses – This course is required for the following program(s):
Name of Program(s)
Program Type
IV. Learning Outcomes
1. College-Wide Outcomes
College-Wide Outcomes/Competencies |
Students will be able to: |
Demonstrate written communication skills |
Students will create portfolios with both insects and diseases found in our crops, back yards, and greenhouses |
2. Course Specific Outcomes - Students will be able to achieve the following measurable goals upon completion of
the course:
Expected Outcome |
MnTC Goal Area |
Students will be able to analyze fungi structures |
Students will be able to diagram insect anatomy & metamorphosis |
Students will be able to argue benefits of environmental manipulation as means of pest control |
Students will be able to analyze pesticide labels and the environmental concerns with their use |
Students will be able to create crop summary sheets, pest portfolios, and an insect collection |
Students will take the Tree Inspector Exam |
V. Topical Outline
Listed below are major areas of content typically covered in this course.
1. Lecture Sessions
1. Diseases
- The Disease Triangle
- Host
- Pathogen
- Environmental conditions
- Fungi
- growth
- reproduction
- breaking the triangle
- characteristics of infection
- Bacteria
- growth
- reproduction
- breaking the triangle
- characteristics of infection
- Viruses
- growth
- reproduction
- breaking the triangle
- characteristics of infection
- Nematodes
- growth
- reproduction
- breaking the triangle
- characteristics of infection
- Phytoplasma like organisms (MLOs)
- growth
- reproduction
- breaking the triangle
- characteristics of infection
2. Insects
- Classification to Order (characteristics at each level)
- Animal kingdom
- Arthropod phylum
- Insecta/hexepoda class
- Insect characteristics
- # of body parts
- # of legs, antennae, wings
- Mouth parts
- Metamorphosis
- Complete
- Incomplete
- Gradual
3. Environmental Concerns
- Freezing to over heating
- Humidity levels
- Soil/media moisture levels
- Natural and artificial light levels
- IV. Non Chemical Control
- Environmental manipulation
- Changing watering schedules
- Raising/lowering humidity level
- Altering harvest or planting times
- Altering light levels
- Traps
- Beneficial insects and diseases
- Soil sterilization
5. Chemical Control
- Environmental concerns
- Efficacy
- Scheduling
- Killing Action
6. Pesticide Labels
- Requirements by law
- Formulations
- Technical grades
- Safety
2. Laboratory/Studio Sessions
- Draw, dissect, and analyze fungi and their growth habit
- Draw, dissect and analyze a grasshopper
- Classify insects and insect like creatures into the proper Order of the scientific classification system
- Examine insect pests likely found in our backyards, greenhouses and crops
- Examine disease pests likely found in our backyards, greenhouses and crops
- Examine environmental pests likely to compromise plants in our backyards, greenhouses and crops