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Active as of Fall Semester 2010
I. General Information
1. Course Title:
A8 Engine Performance I
2. Course Prefix & Number:
AUTM 1108
3. Course Credits and Contact Hours:
Credits: 4
Lecture Hours: 1
Lab Hours: 6
4. Course Description:
This course teaches the theory and repair of automotive engine systems. It includes ignition systems, emission controls, electronic engine controls, and engine performance diagnosis. This course provides a minimum of 125 clock hours of the 220 required NATEF clock hours.
5. Placement Tests Required:
6. Prerequisite Courses:
AUTM 1108 - A8 Engine Performance I
There are no prerequisites for this course.
9. Co-requisite Courses:
AUTM 1108 - A8 Engine Performance I
There are no corequisites for this course.
II. Transfer and Articulation
1. Course Equivalency - similar course from other regional institutions:
Name of Institution
Course Number and Title
Northwest Community College
AMST2200 Engine Condition Diagnosis
St. Cloud Community College
AUTO2502 Engine Performance 1
III. Course Purpose
Program-Applicable Courses – This course fulfills a requirement for the following program(s):
Name of Program(s)
Program Type
Automotive Technology
IV. Learning Outcomes
1. College-Wide Outcomes
College-Wide Outcomes/Competencies |
Students will be able to: |
Assess alternative solutions to a problem |
Diagnose the cause of emission or driveability concern |
Utilize appropriate technology |
Retrieve and record stored fault codes |
2. Course Specific Outcomes - Students will be able to achieve the following measurable goals upon completion of
the course:
Expected Outcome
MnTC Goal Area
Perform engine absolute (vacuum/boost) manifold pressure tests; determine necessary action.
Perform cylinder power balance test; determine necessary action.
Perform cylinder compression test; determine necessary action.
Retrieve and record stored OBD II diagnostic trouble codes; clear codes.
Prepare 4 or 5 gas analyzer; inspect and prepare vehicle for test, and obtain exhaust readings; interpret readings, and determine necessary action.
Inspect and test computerized engine control system sensors, powertrain control module (PCM), actuators, and circuits; perform necessary action.
Obtain and interpret digital multimeter (DMM) readings.
Locate and interpret vehicle and major component identification numbers (VIN, vehicle certification labels, and calibration decals).
Inspect and test ignition system secondary circuit wiring and components; perform necessary action.
Inspect and test ignition system pick-up sensor or triggering devices; perform necessary action.
V. Topical Outline
Listed below are major areas of content typically covered in this course.
1. Lecture Sessions
1. Ignition Systems
- Ignition system switching and triggering operations
- Distributor ignition system operation
- Waste-Spark ignition system operation
- Coil on plug ignition system operation
- Ignition scope pattern interpretation
2. Computerized Engine Controls
- Fuel delivery and supply system operation
- Engine control sensors
- Engine control actuators
- Scan tools and data lines
- Oxygen sensors and fuel trim diagnosis
2. Laboratory/Studio Sessions
1. Ignition Systems
- Testing ignition system primary and secondary operation
- Remove and replace ignition system components
- Perform no start diagnosis
- Scope testing ignition system components
2. Computerized Engine Controls
- Test engine control system sensors for calibration and proper operation
- Test engine control actuators for proper operation
- Remove and replace sensors and actuators and verify proper operation
- Test fuel delivery system for proper operation
- Perform basic engine health test with use of compression and pressure gauges
- Remove and replace fuel injection components and verify proper operation
- Install scan tool and test for fault codes
I. General Information
1. Course Title:
A8 Engine Performance I
2. Course Prefix & Number:
AUTM 1108
3. Course Credits and Contact Hours:
Credits: 4
Lecture Hours: 1
Lab Hours: 6
4. Course Description:
This course teaches the theory and repair of automotive engine systems. It includes ignition systems, emission controls, electronic engine controls, and engine performance diagnosis. This course provides a minimum of 125 clock hours of the 220 required NATEF clock hours.
5. Placement Tests Required:
6. Prerequisite Courses:
AUTM 1108 - A8 Engine Performance I
There are no prerequisites for this course.
9. Co-requisite Courses:
AUTM 1108 - A8 Engine Performance I
There are no corequisites for this course.
II. Transfer and Articulation
1. Course Equivalency - similar course from other regional institutions:
Name of Institution
Course Number and Title
Northwest Community College
AMST2200 Engine Condition Diagnosis
St. Cloud Community College
AUTO2502 Engine Performance 1
III. Course Purpose
1. Program-Applicable Courses – This course fulfills a requirement for the following program(s):
Name of Program(s)
Program Type
Automotive Technology
IV. Learning Outcomes
1. College-Wide Outcomes
College-Wide Outcomes/Competencies |
Students will be able to: |
Utilize appropriate technology |
Retrieve and record stored fault codes |
2. Course Specific Outcomes - Students will be able to achieve the following measurable goals upon completion of
the course:
Expected Outcome
MnTC Goal Area
Perform engine absolute (vacuum/boost) manifold pressure tests; determine necessary action.
Perform cylinder power balance test; determine necessary action.
Perform cylinder compression test; determine necessary action.
Retrieve and record stored OBD II diagnostic trouble codes; clear codes.
Prepare 4 or 5 gas analyzer; inspect and prepare vehicle for test, and obtain exhaust readings; interpret readings, and determine necessary action.
Inspect and test computerized engine control system sensors, powertrain control module (PCM), actuators, and circuits; perform necessary action.
Obtain and interpret digital multimeter (DMM) readings.
Locate and interpret vehicle and major component identification numbers (VIN, vehicle certification labels, and calibration decals).
Inspect and test ignition system secondary circuit wiring and components; perform necessary action.
Inspect and test ignition system pick-up sensor or triggering devices; perform necessary action.
V. Topical Outline
Listed below are major areas of content typically covered in this course.
1. Lecture Sessions
1. Ignition Systems
- Ignition system switching and triggering operations
- Distributor ignition system operation
- Waste-Spark ignition system operation
- Coil on plug ignition system operation
- Ignition scope pattern interpretation
2. Computerized Engine Controls
- Fuel delivery and supply system operation
- Engine control sensors
- Engine control actuators
- Scan tools and data lines
- Oxygen sensors and fuel trim diagnosis
2. Laboratory/Studio Sessions
1. Ignition Systems
- Testing ignition system primary and secondary operation
- Remove and replace ignition system components
- Perform no start diagnosis
- Scope testing ignition system components
2. Computerized Engine Controls
- Test engine control system sensors for calibration and proper operation
- Test engine control actuators for proper operation
- Remove and replace sensors and actuators and verify proper operation
- Test fuel delivery system for proper operation
- Perform basic engine health test with use of compression and pressure gauges
- Remove and replace fuel injection components and verify proper operation
- Install scan tool and test for fault codes