I. General Information
1. Course Title:
Classical Physics I
2. Course Prefix & Number:
PHYS 1411
3. Course Credits and Contact Hours:
Credits: 5
Lecture Hours: 4
Lab Hours: 2
4. Course Description:
This course is a calculus-based introductory physics. The topics include kinematics in three-dimensions, vectors, force, dynamics, circular motion, gravity, energy, linear momentum, rotational motion, rotational energy, angular momentum, equilibrium and elasticity, fluid mechanics, periodic motion, waves, and sound. The course emphasizes conceptual understanding, critical thinking skills, and problem-solving. The laboratory component reinforces conceptual understanding through scientific inquiry, physical measurements, and scientific modeling. The course also emphasizes formal report writing based on student projects. The simulations and digital/wireless data acquisitions are used to help students visualize and understand abstract concepts.
5. Placement Tests Required:
Accuplacer (specify test): |
Writing College Level CLC or Writing College Level or Writing Honors College Level |
Score: |
6. Prerequisite Courses:
PHYS 1411 - Classical Physics I
A total of 1 Course(s) from...
8. Prerequisite (Entry) Skills:
Students should have successful experience using Microsoft Office or similar applications.
9. Co-requisite Courses:
PHYS 1411 - Classical Physics I
All Course(s) from the following...
Course Code | Course Title | Credits |
MATH 1477 | Calculus I | 5 cr. |
II. Transfer and Articulation
1. Course Equivalency - similar course from other regional institutions:
University of North Dakota, Physic 251/251 lab University Physics 1, 4 credits
University of Minnesota Duluth, Physics 2012 General Physics I, 4 credits
St. Cloud State University, PHYS 234 Classical Physics I, 5 credits
2. Transfer - regional institutions with which this course has a written articulation agreement:
St. Cloud State, 2002, Engineering BS
III. Course Purpose
1. Program-Applicable Courses – This course is required for the following program(s):
Engineering, AS Degree
2. MN Transfer Curriculum (General Education) Courses - This course fulfills the following goal area(s) of the MN Transfer Curriculum:
Goal 3 – Natural Sciences
IV. Learning Outcomes
1. College-Wide Outcomes
College-Wide Outcomes/Competencies |
Students will be able to: |
Demonstrate written communication skills |
Write scientific reports and solutions to problems proficiently. |
Apply abstract ideas to concrete situations |
Analyze physical situations, develop models based on the physical laws, principles and scientific theories, and/or solve equations to answer questions about the given situation. |
Utilize appropriate technology |
Effectively use calculus and differential equations on an analysis software to solve problems. |
2. Course Specific Outcomes - Students will be able to achieve the following measurable goals upon completion of
the course:
- Demonstrate understanding of laws of physics and physical principles by drawing conclusions based on the laws and principles applied to the given problems and situations. MnTC Goal 3
- Demonstrate understanding of scientific theories in physics by presenting analyses of problems and situations based on the theories. MnTC Goal 3
- Formulate and test hypotheses through laboratory experiments by designing apparatus, collecting data, analyzing statistically and graphically, and identifying sources of error and uncertainty. MnTC Goal 3
- Formulate and test hypotheses by performing simulations. MnTC Goal 3
- Communicate the findings, analyses, and interpretations of experimental projects by oral presentations and in written reports. MnTC Goal 3
- Communicate the findings, analyses, and interpretations of lab experiments in written reports. MnTC Goal 3
- Evaluate societal issues from a physics perspective. MnTC Goal 3
- Ask questions about the physical evidence presented. MnTC Goal 3
- Make informed judgments about physics-related topics and policies. MnTC Goal 3
- Design two experimental apparatuses that demonstrate laws of physics or physics principles.
- Demonstrate the use of computers to acquire and analyze experimental data.
- Demonstrate the use of computational software to solve numerical problems in physics.
- Relate laws of physics and physical principles to natural phenomena in everyday life.
- Demonstrate understanding of relative uncertainty in the experimental result.
- Write formal scientific reports based on student project.
V. Topical Outline
Listed below are major areas of content typically covered in this course.
1. Lecture Sessions
- Measurements, Systems of Units, and Estimation
- Theories, Models, Principles, and Laws
- Kinematics in One-, Two-, and Three-Dimension
- Reference Frames, Position, Displacement
- Graphical Analysis, Differential Calculus
- Velocity – Average and Instantaneous
- Integral Calculus, Numerical Integration
- Acceleration – Average and Instantaneous
- Constant and Variable Acceleration, Equations of Motion
- Free Fall
- Vectors—Graphical Methods, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication
- Vectors—Unit Vectors and Components Methods
- Kinematics
- Projectile Motion
- Relative Motion
- Dynamics
- Mass, Vector Force, and Types of Forces in Nature
- Newton’s Laws of Motion—First, Second, and Third
- Free-Body Diagram
- Solutions of Systems of Linear Equations—Gaussian Elimination, Cramer’s Rule, Matrices, and Numerical Methods
- Force of Gravity, Normal Force, Friction
- Circular Motion— Uniform, Nonuniform
- Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation and Kepler’s Laws—Orbital Motion, Newton’s Synthesis
- Position-, and Velocity-Dependent Forces
- Vector Fields—Gravitational, Velocity
- Principle of Equivalence—Curvature of Space
- Rotational Dynamics
- Angular Vector Quantities
- Angular Equations of Motion
- Torque
- Rotational Dynamics—Moment of Inertia
- Rotational Kinetic Energy
- Rolling Motion
- Static Equilibrium and Elasticity
- Equilibrium—Statics and Dynamics
- Elasticity—Stress, Strain, and Fracture
- Energy and Momentum
- Kinetic Energy—Integral Calculus on Kinematics
- Work-Energy Principle
- Work—Constant and Variable Force, Scalar Product
- Conservative and Nonconservative Forces
- Potential Energy and Mechanical Energy
- Conservation of Mechanical Energy
- The Law of Conservation of Energy
- Power
- Momentum—Integral Calculus on Kinematics, Impulse
- Conservation of Momentum and Energy
- Collisions—Elastic and Inelastic
- Center of Mass, Many-body Systems
- Angular Momentum–Vector Cross Product-- Particle, System of Particles, and Rigid Object
- Conservation of Angular Momentum
- Rotating Frames of Reference; Inertial Forces
- Fluid Mechanics
- Properties of Matter—Phase, Density, Specific Gravity
- Pressure—Fluids, Atmospheric, Gauge
- Pascal’s Principle
- Buoyant Force—Archimedes’ Principle
- Fluid Dynamics—Flow Rate, Equation of Continuity, Bernoulli’s Equation
- Viscosity—Poiseuille’s Equation
- Surface Tension and Capillarity
- Oscillatory Motion
- Energy of Simple Harmonic Oscillator
- Simple Harmonic Motion—Uniform Circular Motion, Simple Pendulum, Physical Pendulum, Torsion Pendulum
- Damped Harmonic Motion
- Forced Oscillations; Resonance
- Waves
- Waves—Transverse and Longitudinal
- Energy Transfer
- Traveling Wave—Wave Equation
- Principle of Superposition—Reflection, Transmission, Interference, Standing Waves, Resonance
- Refraction
- Diffraction
- Sound
- Mathematical Representation of Longitudinal Waves
- Intensity of Sound
- Sources of Sound—Vibrating Strings and Air Columns
- Quality of Sound—Superposition, Harmonics, Timbre
- Beats
- Doppler Effect—Shock Waves and the Sonic Boom
- Sonar, Ultrasound, and Medical Imaging
2. Laboratory/Studio Sessions
- Measurements and Uncertainty: Accuracy, precision and significant figures, units, statistics, and relative uncertainty
- Vectors: Graphical methods, Displacement on Maps
- Kinematics: Displacement, velocity, and acceleration versus time graphs of human and coffee filter from the motion detector and that of a cart from rotational sensor
- Projectile Motion: Model the flight of a projectile to determine the position and velocity vectors during the flight, and test the parameters to hit a target
- Newton’s Laws of Motion: Test of inertia and tension force, test of acceleration of a cart on track and the tension in the string exerted by a hanging weight monitored by rotational sensor on the pulley and wireless force sensor on the cart validated by relative error and relative uncertainty
- Friction: Friction in the pulley and wheel bearings in Newton’s Second Law apparatus, static and sliding frictions between wood and track, and drag coefficient of coffee filters from Kinematics lab data, compared to models based on the Newton’s Second Law
- Orbital Motion: Model orbital motion from solar and planetary observation data compared to Kepler’s Laws and Newton’s Laws, determine angular velocity, angular momentum, linear velocity, and linear momentum
- Moment of Inertia: Moment of inertia of a rolling ball determined from the velocity of the rolling ball on a ramp
- Work Done by Varying Force: Experimental modeling of Hooke’s Law and numerical integration of data to obtain work done by varying force
- Conservation of Energy: Energy of falling ball, falling coffee filter, falling payload of weather balloon
- Conservation of Momentum: Model the flight of a multi-stage rocket
- Damped Oscillation: Model damped oscillator with variable parameters—mass, spring constant, and damping coefficient
- Coupled System: Model the response of a vertical and horizontal coupled mass spring oscillators