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Active as of Fall Semester 2010

I. General Information

1. Course Title:
General Psychology

2. Course Prefix & Number:
PSYC 2421

3. Course Credits and Contact Hours:

Credits: 4

Lecture Hours: 4

Lab Hours: 0

4. Course Description:

This class presents a general introduction to psychology as a biosocial science. This survey course will familiarize the student with the basic principles of psychology, show how psychologists employ the scientific method, and equip the beginning student of psychology with a working vocabulary of psychological terminology and critical thinking skills. Areas to be covered include research, the nervous system, learning, personality, memory, psychological disorders and therapy.

5. Placement Tests Required:

6. Prerequisite Courses:

PSYC 2421 - General Psychology

There are no prerequisites for this course.

7. Other Prerequisites

9. Co-requisite Courses:

PSYC 2421 - General Psychology

There are no corequisites for this course.