I. General Information
1. Course Title:
Professional Nursing Practicum II
2. Course Prefix & Number:
NURS 2514
3. Course Credits and Contact Hours:
Credits: 3
Lecture Hours: 0
Lab Hours: 9
4. Course Description:
Clinical lab component that focuses on integration of knowledge, skills, and theory principles with continued emphasis on the use of nursing judgment, evidenced-based practice, and informatics in the application of the nursing process while caring for individuals across the lifespan experiencing acute and chronic illness, and families experiencing childbearing in order to provide safe, quality, patient-centered care and promote human flourishing. Additional course emphasis includes applying leadership skills including prioritization, delegation, supervision, and management components necessary to promote professional development and a spirit of inquiry in the transition to the graduate AD registered nursing role. Clinical sites may include acute and long term care settings, as well as clinics and various community service agencies. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading.
5. Placement Tests Required:
6. Prerequisite Courses:
NURS 2514 - Professional Nursing Practicum II
All Credit(s) from the following...
Course Code | Course Title | Credits |
NURS 2501 | Adaptation to Health & Illness Through The Lifespan I | 6 cr. |
NURS 2513 | Nursing Practicum I | 3 cr. |
NURS 2518 | Clinical Reasoning & Skills in Professional Nursing Lecture | 1 cr. |
NURS 2519 | Clinical Reasoning & Skills in Professional Nursing Lab | 1 cr. |
9. Co-requisite Courses:
NURS 2514 - Professional Nursing Practicum II
All Credit(s) from the following...
Course Code | Course Title | Credits |
NURS 2514 | Nursing Practicum II | 3 cr. |
II. Transfer and Articulation
1. Course Equivalency - similar course from other regional institutions:
Alexandria Technical College, NURS 2322 Comprehensive Clinical II, 2 credits
Ridgewater College, NURS 2150 Clinical Synthesis, 4 credits
III. Course Purpose
1. Program-Applicable Courses – This course is required for the following program(s):
Associates of Science, Nursing
IV. Learning Outcomes
1. College-Wide Outcomes
College-Wide Outcomes/Competencies |
Students will be able to: |
Demonstrate written communication skills |
Demonstrate knowledge and integration of theoretical concepts to promote physiological and psychosocial adaptation to acute and chronic illness, including disease prevention, health promotion and maintenance. |
Demonstrate interpersonal communication skills |
Demonstrate effective interpersonal communication in the delegation and supervision of the healthcare team. (QSEN Competencies: Teamwork and Collaboration) |
Work as a team member to achieve shared goals |
Evaluate and modify existing plan of care utilizing RN role functions of planning and promoting a higher level of wellness and health promotion. (QSEN Competencies: Patient Centered Care) |
2. Course Specific Outcomes - Students will be able to achieve the following measurable goals upon completion of
the course:
- Integrate physical, developmental, psychosocial, cultural, and spiritual integrity for planning holistic, patient-centered nursing care utilizing the nursing process. (QSEN Competencies: Patient Centered Care);
- Role model communication patterns and teamwork that serve to enhance interpersonal relationships with patients, families, peers, instructors, and members of the healthcare team. (QSEN Competencies: Teamwork and Collaboration);
- Evaluate and modify existing plan of care utilizing RN role functions of planning and promoting a higher level of wellness and health promotion. (QSEN Competencies: Patient Centered Care);
- Demonstrate ability to consistently provide a high quality, safe and effective caring environment to clients and families across the lifespan. (QSEN Competencies: Patient Centered Care; Safety);
- Integrate the knowledge and science of nursing for accurate performance of psychomotor skills such as medication administration and various other therapeutic nursing interventions or treatments. (QSEN Competencies: Evidence Based Practice; Safety);
- Demonstrate knowledge and integration of theoretical concepts to promote physiological and psychosocial adaptation to acute and chronic illness, including disease prevention, health promotion and maintenance;
- Demonstrate effective interpersonal communication in the delegation and supervision of the healthcare team. (QSEN Competencies: Teamwork and Collaboration);
- Integrate the use of information and technology to enhance patient safety through navigation and documentation in the patient's electronic medical record using correct documentation procedures and medical terminology. (QSEN Competencies: Safety; Informatics);
- Role model professional attitude and practice within the ethical and legal framework that is committed to excellence, diversity, personal/professional development during RN role transition. (QSEN Competencies: Teamwork and Collaboration);
- Demonstrate advanced level critical thinking and spirit of inquiry while implementing nursing process and providing a higher level of wellness and health promotion;
- Integrate electronic resources to research evidence-based practices and protocols that support decision making. (QSEN Competencies: Evidence Based Practice; Informatics).
V. Topical Outline
Listed below are major areas of content typically covered in this course.
2. Laboratory/Studio Sessions
- Nursing Care Plan
- Management of Care
- Prioritizing
- Client Education and Complementary Therapy
- Evaluation and Modification of Nursing Care Plans
- Acute and Chronic Illness
- Delegation and Supervision
- Psychosocial Development
- Therapeutic Communication