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Active as of Fall Semester 2013

I. General Information

1. Course Title:
Medical Terminology

2. Course Prefix & Number:
HINS 1360

3. Course Credits and Contact Hours:

Credits: 3

Lecture Hours: 3

Lab Hours: 0

4. Course Description:

This course will introduce the building of medical words including prefixes, suffixes, combining forms from Greek and Latin word parts, and the rules for connecting them to form medical terms. Definition and spelling of word roots, prefixes, and suffixes is emphasized. Emphasis is placed on spelling and defining medical words. A foundation is created for the continued development of medical vocabulary. Medical abbreviations are also presented for each medical specialty.  This course is geared to anyone who wishes to acquire or review medical terminology in a variety of professions including lawyer’s offices, insurance companies, hospital and clinic, chiropractic offices, eye doctors, nursing homes, home health care, specialty clinics and pharmacies.

5. Placement Tests Required:

6. Prerequisite Courses:

HINS 1360 - Medical Terminology

There are no prerequisites for this course.

9. Co-requisite Courses:

HINS 1360 - Medical Terminology

There are no corequisites for this course.