I. General Information
1. Course Title:
Computers in Industry
2. Course Prefix & Number:
RAST 1109
3. Course Credits and Contact Hours:
Credits: 2
Lecture Hours: 1
Lab Hours: 2
4. Course Description:
This course covers an introduction hardware and software components of personal computers. Items covered include the development of computers, working with multiple Microsoft operating systems, the use of Microsoft Office products, networking, data transmission, basic replacement of hardware, software installation, and working with peripherals such as floppy/hard/CD drives.
5. Placement Tests Required:
6. Prerequisite Courses:
RAST 1109 - Computers in Industry
There are no prerequisites for this course.
9. Co-requisite Courses:
RAST 1109 - Computers in Industry
There are no corequisites for this course.
II. Transfer and Articulation
1. Course Equivalency - similar course from other regional institutions:
Name of Institution
Course Number and Title
St. Cloud Technical College
TECH 1530
Northland Community and Technical College
CPTR 1104
2. Transfer - regional institutions with which this course has a written articulation agreement:
Name of Institution
Date of Acceptance
Discipline/Area/Program of Transfer
Bemidji State University
Applied Engineering
III. Course Purpose
Program-Applicable Courses – This course fulfills a requirement for the following program(s):
Name of Program(s)
Program Type
Robotics Automated Systems Technology
AAS Diploma
Applied Engineering Technology
Manufacturing Maintenance Technician
IV. Learning Outcomes
1. College-Wide Outcomes
College-Wide Outcomes/Competencies |
Students will be able to: |
Analyze and follow a sequence of operations |
demonstrate their ability to dynamically follow lab procedures to reinforce classroom learning |
Utilize appropriate technology |
effectively utilize various operating systems and software packages to complete assigned lab work. |
2. Course Specific Outcomes - Students will be able to achieve the following measurable goals upon completion of
the course:
Expected Outcome
MnTC Goal Area
identify computer hardware components
demonstrate operating system installation procedures
utilize MS DOS operating system
construct serial communication media
examine TCP/IP network systems
design network topology
V. Topical Outline
Listed below are major areas of content typically covered in this course.
1. Lecture Sessions
I. File System Structure
a. Windows Explorer b. Internet Explorer
II. Computer Architecture
a. Processor b. Memory c. Input and Output Devices d. Buss System
III. BIOS and System Setup
a. Bios b. Control Panel
IV. Operating Systems
a. MS DOS b. Windows XP
V. Communications
a. Serial Communications b. Networking
2. Laboratory/Studio Sessions
I. File System Structure
a. Windows Explorer Lab b. Internet Explorer Lab
II. Computer Architecture
a. Hardware identification Lab b. Hardware Rebuild Lab
III. BIOS and System Setup
a. Bios Lab b. Control Panel Setup Lab
IV. Operating Systems
a. MS DOS Installation Lab b. MS DOS Basic Lab c. MS DOS Batch Files Lab d. Windows XP Installation
V. Communications
a. Serial Communications Lab b. Network Setup and Build Lab
I. General Information
1. Course Title:
Computers in Industry
2. Course Prefix & Number:
RAST 1109
3. Course Credits and Contact Hours:
Credits: 2
Lecture Hours: 1
Lab Hours: 2
4. Course Description:
This course covers an introduction hardware and software components of personal computers. Items covered include the development of computers, working with multiple Microsoft operating systems, the use of Microsoft Office products, networking, data transmission, basic replacement of hardware, software installation, and working with peripherals such as floppy/hard/CD drives.
5. Placement Tests Required:
6. Prerequisite Courses:
RAST 1109 - Computers in Industry
There are no prerequisites for this course.
9. Co-requisite Courses:
RAST 1109 - Computers in Industry
There are no corequisites for this course.
II. Transfer and Articulation
1. Course Equivalency - similar course from other regional institutions:
Name of Institution
Course Number and Title
St. Cloud Technical College
TECH 1530
Northland Community and Technical College
CPTR 1104
2. Transfer - regional institutions with which this course has a written articulation agreement:
Name of Institution
Date of Acceptance
Discipline/Area/Program of Transfer
Bemidji State University
Applied Engineering
III. Course Purpose
1. Program-Applicable Courses – This course fulfills a requirement for the following program(s):
Name of Program(s)
Program Type
Robotics Automated Systems Technology
AAS Diploma
Applied Engineering Technology
Manufacturing Maintenance Technician
IV. Learning Outcomes
1. College-Wide Outcomes
College-Wide Outcomes/Competencies |
Students will be able to: |
Analyze and follow a sequence of operations |
demonstrate their ability to dynamically follow lab procedures to reinforce classroom learning |
Utilize appropriate technology |
effectively utilize various operating systems and software packages to complete assigned lab work. |
2. Course Specific Outcomes - Students will be able to achieve the following measurable goals upon completion of
the course:
Expected Outcome
MnTC Goal Area
identify computer hardware components
demonstrate operating system installation procedures
utilize MS DOS operating system
construct serial communication media
examine TCP/IP network systems
design network topology
V. Topical Outline
Listed below are major areas of content typically covered in this course.
1. Lecture Sessions
I. File System Structure
a. Windows Explorer b. Internet Explorer
II. Computer Architecture
a. Processor b. Memory c. Input and Output Devices d. Buss System
III. BIOS and System Setup
a. Bios b. Control Panel
IV. Operating Systems
a. MS DOS b. Windows XP
V. Communications
a. Serial Communications b. Networking
2. Laboratory/Studio Sessions
I. File System Structure
a. Windows Explorer Lab b. Internet Explorer Lab
II. Computer Architecture
a. Hardware identification Lab b. Hardware Rebuild Lab
III. BIOS and System Setup
a. Bios Lab b. Control Panel Setup Lab
IV. Operating Systems
a. MS DOS Installation Lab b. MS DOS Basic Lab c. MS DOS Batch Files Lab d. Windows XP Installation
V. Communications
a. Serial Communications Lab b. Network Setup and Build Lab