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Active as of Fall Semester 2014

I. General Information

1. Course Title:
Computer Literacy and E-learning

2. Course Prefix & Number:
COMP 1315

3. Course Credits and Contact Hours:

Credits: 3

Lecture Hours: 3

4. Course Description:

This course begins with understanding and effectively using the CLC E-learning components including D2L, Google gmail, and MnSCU E-services. The course then focuses on computing fundamentals, key applications, and living online - the three standard skills sets categories of the IC3 computer literacy curriculum. The learning domains included in this course are Computer Hardware, Peripherals and Troubleshooting, Computer Software, Using an Operating System, Common Program Functions, Word Processing Functions, Spreadsheet Features, Communication with Presentation Software, Communication Networks and the Internet, Electronic Communication and Collaboration, Using the Internet and the World Wide Web, and The Impact of Computing and the Internet on Society. This course will help students prepare for the IC3 certification exam. Career Preparation: Diverse – All business and organizational careers using current computer technologies. Certification Preparation: IC3.

5. Placement Tests Required:

6. Prerequisite Courses:

COMP 1315 - Computer Literacy and E-learning

There are no prerequisites for this course.

9. Co-requisite Courses:

COMP 1315 - Computer Literacy and E-learning

There are no corequisites for this course.