I. General Information
1. Course Title:
College Physics I
2. Course Prefix & Number:
PHYS 1401
3. Course Credits and Contact Hours:
Credits: 4
Lecture Hours: 3
Lab Hours: 2
4. Course Description:
This course is an algebra-based introductory physics and covers the mechanics and mechanical waves component of classical physics. The course topics include: kinematics in one- and two-dimensions, vectors, force, dynamics, circular motion, gravitation, work and energy, linear momentum, rotational motion, rotational work and energy, angular momentum, static equilibrium, periodic motion, waves, and sound. The course emphasizes conceptual understanding and problem-solving. The laboratory component is designed to reinforce conceptual understanding with hands-on experiences and physical measurements, and to provide opportunities for scientific report writing. The course uses digital data acquisition and simulations to help students visualize and understand abstract concepts.
5. Placement Tests Required:
Accuplacer (specify test): |
Pre-Calculus College Level or Calculus College Level |
Score: |
6. Prerequisite Courses:
PHYS 1401 - College Physics I
All Course(s) from the following...
Course Code | Course Title | Credits |
MATH 1470 | College Algebra | 3 cr. |
7. Other Prerequisites
Grade of “C” or higher in MATH 1470 or equivalent placement test score.
8. Prerequisite (Entry) Skills:
Operating a graphing calculator.
9. Co-requisite Courses:
PHYS 1401 - College Physics I
There are no corequisites for this course.
II. Transfer and Articulation
1. Course Equivalency - similar course from other regional institutions:
St. Cloud State University, PHYS 231 General Physics I, 4 credits
University of MN Duluth, PHYS 1001 Introduction to Physics I, 5 credits
2. Transfer - regional institutions with which this course has a written articulation agreement:
III. Course Purpose
1. Program-Applicable Courses – This course fulfills a requirement for the following program(s):
Applied Engineering Technology, AAS Degree
2. MN Transfer Curriculum (General Education) Courses - This course fulfills the following goal area(s) of the MN Transfer Curriculum:
Goal 3 – Natural Sciences
IV. Learning Outcomes
1. College-Wide Outcomes
College-Wide Outcomes/Competencies |
Students will be able to: |
Demonstrate written communication skills |
Write scientific reports and solutions to physics problems competently. |
Utilize appropriate technology |
Use graphing technologies and analysis software competently to help explain physical phenomena. |
Work as a team member to achieve shared goals |
Carry out experiments, projects, or problem solving collaboratively as a group. |
2. Course Specific Outcomes - Students will be able to achieve the following measurable goals upon completion of
the course:
- Demonstrate understanding of laws of physics and physical principles by drawing conclusions based on the laws and principles applied to the given problems and situations. MnTC Goal 3
- Demonstrate understanding of scientific theories in physics by presenting analyses of problems and situations based on the theories. MnTC Goal 3
- Formulate and test hypotheses through laboratory experiments by designing apparatus, collecting data, analyzing statistically and graphically, and identifying sources of error and uncertainty. MnTC Goal 3
- Communicate the findings, analyses, and interpretations of experimental projects by oral presentations and written reports. MnTC Goal 3
- Communicate the findings, analyses, and interpretations of lab experiments by written reports. MnTC Goal 3
- Evaluate societal issues from a physics perspective. MnTC Goal 3
- Ask questions about the physical evidence presented. MnTC Goal 3
- Make informed judgments about physics-related topics and policies. MnTC Goal 3
- Design two experimental apparatuses that demonstrate laws of physics or physics principles.
- Demonstrate the use of computers to acquire and analyze experimental data.
- Demonstrate the use of computational software to solve numerical problems in physics.
- Relate laws of physics and physical principles to natural phenomena in everyday life.
V. Topical Outline
Listed below are major areas of content typically covered in this course.
1. Lecture Sessions
- Measurements and Physical Quantities
- Measuring physical quantities
- Reporting quantities in scientific notation with correct units and significant figures
- Kinematics
- Description of motion of a particle using kinematic quantities in one-dimensions
- Description of motion of a particle using kinematic vector quantities in two-dimensions
- Dynamics
- Description of nature of motion using Newton’s First Law – Inertia
- Description of nature of motion using Newton’s Second Law – Force and Motion
- Description of nature of motion using Newton’s Third Law – Action and Reaction
- Free-Body Diagram
- Friction
- Circular Motion
- Dynamics of a particle under varying acceleration
- Dynamics of a particle under centripetal acceleration
- Work and Energy
- Kinetic energy
- Potential energy
- Transfer of mechanical energy
- Energy conservation law
- Linear Momentum
- Linear Momentum
- Impulse-Momentum Theorem
- Momentum conservation principle
- Nature of interaction between particles in a many-body system
- Rotational motion
- Rotational kinematics
- Rotational dynamics
- Conservation principles for rotational energy and rotational momentum
- Static Equilibrium
- Many-body system in translational and rotational equilibrium
- Center of mass
- Vibrations and Waves
- Simple harmonic motion
- Mechanical waves
- Transfer
- Sound
- Acoustic wave
- Energy and intensity
- Relativity
- Diffraction
- Interference
2. Laboratory/Studio Sessions
- Measurements and Uncertainty
- Kinematics
- Vectors and Maps
- Projectile Motion
- Newton's Laws
- Friction and Air Resistance
- Centripetal Force
- Work Done by Varying Forces
- Conservation of Momentum
- Rotational Motion and Moment of Inertia
- Static Equilibrium and Build a Bridge Project
- Simple Harmonic Motion
- Waves on a String and in an Air Column
- Sound, Beats, Interference, Doppler Effect