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Liberal Arts and Sciences
Associate in Arts Degree - Four-Year College Transfer
An Associate in Arts Degree earned at Central Lakes College is recommended as the transfer degree that enables a student to transfer to a Minnesota four-year college or university. Through special agreements, the A.A. Degree, in most cases, allows a student to continue with a "junior status" at the selected state university. Included in the Associate in Arts Degree is the MINNESOTA GENERAL EDUCATION TRANSFER CURRICULUM which contains the minimum number of credits (40) needed to complete general education requirements at all public colleges and universities in the state of Minnesota.
- These requirements apply to new students, and students who have been absent from this college one academic year or longer.
- At least one semester before you plan to graduate, complete an Application to Graduate.
- A total of 60 college level credits with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher are required for an Associate in Arts Degree.
- A cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher in all Minnesota Transfer Curriculum courses is required to complete the MnTC.
- 15 credits must be earned at Central Lakes College to be eligible for an Associate in Arts Degree.
- Classes may meet requirements for more than one goal area, but credit will not be awarded for any course twice.
Minnesota General Education Transfer Curriculum
Central Lakes College’s version of the Minnesota General Education Transfer Curriculum is a 40-credit course cluster designed to transfer by formal agreement to all Minnesota public colleges and universities where it will meet all lower division general education requirements. It is certified by the faculty of CLC as meeting the goals and student competencies for general education agreed to by the faculties and official administrative representatives of all Minnesota public higher education systems. Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) courses with grades of A-D transfer and apply to the MnTC. A 2.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA) is required to complete the MnTC.
CLC’s transfer curriculum, like similar curricula in all public colleges and universities in the state of Minnesota, is designed to provide students with a broad liberal arts and sciences foundation integrated with communications and thinking skills, and a study of contemporary concerns – all essential to serving an individual student’s lifetime personal, social, and career needs. This curriculum recognizes that knowledge of the liberal arts and sciences, by its universality and timelessness, equips students to transcend individual differences and the inevitable changes affecting life in the 21st century.
This curriculum identifies the knowledge and skills people need to participate successfully in a complex and changing world. Its courses emphasize our common membership in the human community; our personal need for intellectual fulfillment achieved through lifelong learning, and our daily involvement in a diverse world. Courses emphasize diverse ways of knowing, factual content, theories and models, and the creative modes of a broad spectrum of disciplines and interdisciplinary fields. Emphasized equally are the basic skills of discovery, integration, application, and communication.
Use the department links on the left side of this page to view detailed information about specific liberal arts departments.
Associate in Arts Degree Program Planning Form (pdf)
Associate in Applied Science Degree Program Planning Form (pdf)